Spanje, Álava

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Danny B
Spanje, Álava 4-11-16

Veel congers.

15 m
20 °C - 20 m


Didi Hanssens
Spanje, Álava 11-07-16

Zalig warm, oneindig zicht van 40m, tandbaars, kabeljouwen, mola mola, grote herremietkreeften, inkvissen2m, leopard naaksl enz. natuurgebied Maro

40 m
22 °C - 20 m


Didi Hanssens
Spanje, Álava 10-07-16

Machtige duik in La Herradura met OWLH Iñaki spotte samen vliegende vissen1m lang met blauwe lichtgevende vinnen, tandbaars en sepia. Genot!!!

30 m
21 °C - 20 m

Piedra del Hombre is known for its moonfish. Try to be early. It can be very busy with divers, and the sooner you enter the water the more change you make of seeing one. Pass the sandy plateau and start your dive at the three rocks that characterize this site. Then descend to 18 meters en follow the wall in southern direction. There's a nice 'swim through' on your way back to the entry point.


Jump from the rocks like most divers here, or enter the water from the beach. Can't make it early to spot moonfish? Piedra del Hombre lies beautifully in the sun in mid afternoon.


Try to be early at Piedra del Hombre. It can be crowded with divers on this dive site.

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