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Jan Jaap & Inge
Bonaire, 9-12-19

Mooi koraal, veel scholen vis en als kers op de taart 5 dolfijnen!

15 m
28 °C - 30 m


Anouk en Nick
Bonaire, 8-10-19

Moet wel een stuk uitzwemmen naar het rif. Dit rif is niet anders dan de andere riffen. Adelaars rog 😃 garnaaltjes en barracuda gezien.

30 m
28 °C - 20 m


Leon en Diana
Bonaire, 23-12-18

10min. uitzwemmen: Schorpioenvis, Pijlinktvis, Schildpad, Sandeal, Fr.&Queen Angelvis, Lionvis, Vuurworm, barracuda, Egelvis, Honeycumb cow.

15 m
26 °C - 20 m

Jeannie's Glory is a stunning dive site with a lot of hard and soft coral and an abundance of fish, such as surgeonfish, eels and snappers. The environment is just as beautiful. Jeannie's Glory is located close to the salt fields. The fields light up in different colors, due to the bright sunlight and are inhabited by large colonies of flamingos.


Jeannie's Glory is accessible from the shore, but this is not always recommended. The cost is rocky and entering the water can be very difficult when the surf is too high. Swim over the sandy bottom to reach the double reef and take a good look around. You may spot a lonely dolphins hunting on the sand plateau.


Entering the water is very difficult when the surf is too high. Choose an other dive site.

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