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Tom Kokkeler
Spanje, 13-06-19

Angel shark, murene, manta, barracuda, sepia, aerocrab, snapper

20 m
22 °C - 25 m

Balito Reef is a small shallow reef with an alternating bottom structure. The good visibility and mild currents make this an excellent snorkel and practice location. It's true that Balito Reef is home to a wide variety of species. This makes this dive site certainly interesting for sport divers. The sandy bottom around Balito Reef are home to groupers, rays and barracudas.


Balito Reef starts at 3 meter en descends gradually to 14 meter. Dive along the rocks and over the sandy bottoms to meet the inhabitants of Balito's Reef.


Watch out for boats at Balito Reef.

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