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Adrie en Jolanda
Indonesië, 24-09-19

Een uitstekend hotel met een mooi huisrif zeer geschikt voor macro fotografie. Grote variatie aan koraal en zeedieren. Aanrader!

20 m
27 °C - 15 m

The Alam Anda House Reef is located in the northeast of Bali, far from the famous tourist areas. The marine life, consisting of gorgonias, sponges and various hard and soft corals, is in excellent condition. This is not surprising. The Alam Anda House Reef is an official protected nature reserve in Indonesia. Spearfishing is prohibited and local professional fishermen are not allowed to use nets in this region.


The reef is located directly in front of the dive centre and stretches across the entire width of the Alam Anda hotel complex. The underwater nature is beautiful and excellent for underwater photography. In calm sea you can also snorkel.


You're diving in an officially protected nature reserve.

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